Good Bye Keira
Sadly, we lost Keira on July 7, 2018 to nasal lymphoma. It was a shock to find out that she had a deadly illness, just 5 weeks before that. I thought she had a cold or allergies. After getting an antibiotic injection, she was not getting any better. So, I took her up to UC Davis Veterinary Hospital, to the Small Animal Clinic. There they diagnosed her within the day; with a mass behind her eye. Shortly thereafter, the biopsy told the whole story. Yes, there were treatments to try, but they would have not gotten rid of the mass entirely. Surgery was out. At the most, doing both chemo and radiation might have bought her a year+. I could not put her through all that would have entailed. I let her enjoy her last few weeks by giving her all the love I had in me. Yes, I am completely devastated. Two losses in such a short time. I am now completely cat-less. But, I need some time. I hope to get another cat before the end of the year. I will know when I am ready.