Claudia's Favorite Links
Cat Clubs & Shows
Call of the Wild Cat Fanciers Cat Club, Santa Rosa, CA USA
Santa Rosa Annual Cat Show Information
The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA)
The International Cat Association (TICA)
Rescues & Nonprofits
Averting CAT-astrophe - Is a non-profit cat rescue group committed to the rescue, rehabilitation, and placement of cats/kittens as well as public education regarding proper care and the importance of spay/neuter in battling the escalating overpopulation problem. We are focused primarily on saving cats/kittens from euthanasia at local shelters in the DFW area.
Berkeley Humane - We are dedicated to saving and placing animals into homes with committed caretakers.
Humane Society of Sonoma County - The Humane Society of Sonoma County is a donor supported safe haven for animals dedicated to bring people and companion animals together for a lifetime of love. They ensure that every animal receives protection, compassion, love and care. It is also a no-kill shelter.
Forgotten Felines - Works with feral cats to set up feeding sites at the location of the colony. The cats are fed, watered and monitored after being trapped, tested for FeLV, ear tipped, vaccinated, and altered. NEW! Good Samaritan Clinics. Also, Pick of the litter Thrift Store, 1701-A Piner Road, Santa Rosa, CA.
FieldHaven Feline Center - "For Every Cat in Need, a Solution" They began as a feline rescue. Now, FieldHaven, it isn’t just about adoptions. Their goal is to enhance the lives of cats and their owners and caregivers by offering programs to Lincoln and surrounding communities that fulfill their needs. The shelter is located at 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.
PAWS for Love - Annual Fundraising Event, Ellyn Boone - "One of Wine Country's most spectacular fundraising events, Paws for Love offers an evening of fun, food, fine wine, and Valentine memories to cherish, with all proceeds benefiting homeless and abused animals of Sonoma County and the North Bay".
SOCK FIP - SOCK FIP'S MISSION is to Save Our Cats and Kittens from Feline Infectious Peritonitis. (SOCK FIP) is a volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) through advocacy, community education and financial support for UC Davis-CCAH FIP Research.
SNAP Cats - SNAP Cats is dedicated to the rescue and care of special needs cats. Shelters around the world are full. The first cats to be killed are special needs, elderly, and those deemed unadoptable. SNAP Cats is a unique rescue and sanctuary in Santa Rosa, CA (Sonoma County) dedicated to special needs cats. They rescue cats special needs cats from around the world, house them, then find them warm, loving homes. Contact: Executive Director Darryl Roberts.
The breeders I have selected for this list are 'preservation' breeders, and only work closely with other breeders that have the same commitment. This means they breed according to a high standard of appearance and as well as temperament, with a respect for genetic diversity and excellent health. All kittens are socialized and litter box trained from day one. Read more about the breeders by visiting their websites.
Kathleen Lawton - British Shorthair Breeder
Mary Riddell, Furreal Ragdolls - Ragdoll Breeder
Jasper Sanchez, Author, Artist, Glitter Enthusiast - "Creating stories in advance of a better world." Author of The (UN)Popular Vote, which came out on June 1, 2021. From Katherine Tegen Books, published by HarperCollins. Purchase your copy on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound or HarperCollins.
Mandy's Moon Personalized Gifts - Personalized teddy bears and stuffed animals, kids party invitations, and other fun personalized gift items.
Headwaters Science Institute - Teaching inquiry-based science. Non-profit with the mission to provide excellent instruction to students and teachers. - A web resource that provides information and support to people fighting substance abuse and addiction. "When combined with other treatments for substance abuse disorders, Animal Assisted Therapy can help people resolve mental health problems through the loving touch of a new companion.
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness - This website's mission is clear, to save lives. Addiction Guide is a reliable online source of information about addiction, from how it happens to how to overcome it. Chis, Founder & Grateful Recovering Addict, states that animal-assisted therapies and pet therapy are extremely useful in recovery as a way to develop life skills by caring for a companion as they care for themselves. "Pets can have a calming and soothing effect on people. We have seen people in early recovery have more success with cats than dogs because of the independence of our feline friends." Call (800) 662-4357.