Please join me and several other artists for a Summer Clearance Sale. JamJar will be located on the sidewalk on South A Street in front of their store, near the intersection with Art Alley. Other artists. including myself. will be in the BACKYARD of Chroma Gallery, the front of which is located on South A Street. Turn into Art Alley from South A Street going east, and you will come to the parking lot for Backstreet Gallery and see the BACKYARD on your left. Who knows what treasures you will find. It will definitely be an eclectic sale!
I think the sale will start around 11 a.m. Some artists may be coming even earlier, and others later. I plan to be set-up by about 12:30 pm and will stay until approx. 5:00.
This is also a "moving sale" for me, so I will have items for sale this weekend that I would not normally be trying to sell now. I don't want to have to move as much.
I hope to see you there!